Kindred Home Care Joins the Fight for Social and Racial Equality

By August 7, 2020News

Since the death of George Floyd, an American Black man who was killed in Minneapolis, MN in May 2020 by racially biased police brutality, there has been a groundswell around the globe of outrage against a system that is fundamentally broken. Months later – with many names and faces later of people who met unjust, violent ends ­– cries for social change continue to echo around the world.

Kindred Home Care has heard this call and we are taking action in memory of those for whom living in society was unsafe because of structural racism and racially based violence. Because every day, members of visible minorities and racialized groups, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities and members of LGBTQ2+ communities are faced with phobic discrimination and violence. It needs to stop.

We recently shared a memo with our staff outlining the ways in which Kindred is committed to being an anti-racist and anti-discrimination organization. We consulted with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion to ensure our messages and actions are appropriate and respectful.

Kindred, along with many other people and organizations across Canada, is wholeheartedly creating an environment where all of our employees and clients – regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or language – know they are valued, respected and safe.

Here are a few ways we are taking action:


How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi and we are offering to purchase a copy for all of our staff. We are dedicated to learning more about the systemic racism that plagues our society and our responsibility to dismantle it.


Our management team is committed to learning more about diversity and inclusivity, beginning with anti-racism and inclusive leadership training through Morneau Shepell in August 2020.


We are creating a Diversity Committee to review potential discrimination at Kindred Home Care and make recommendations on how we can respond. We are committed to listening to, and learning from, the experiences of our staff and clients. We will stand with the oppressed and take decisive action to address any discrimination. We are also modifying our employee orientation and HR policies to integrate Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles.


Kindred Home Care is donating a total of $5,000 to two Atlantic Canadian organizations focused on anti-racism initiatives. 902 ManUp, located in Halifax, is dedicated to the advancement of all Black Communities within Nova Scotia, with a focus on the empowerment of young Black males. The expanded mandate of 902MU includes all individuals or groups at risk of marginalization, and social and academic exclusion. A Black Lives Matter chapter has recently launched in New Brunswick, focused on conducting research into the impact racism has in the province and advocating to make anti-racism training mandatory for police and government officials. We are supporting both of these organizations in their efforts for change.

We recognize that we do not have all of the answers, but we do know that individually, and as a company, we can do more to educate ourselves. We are committed to both learning and being a force of positive change.

Will Bernard
Chief Operating Officer
Kindred Home Care

Will Bernard

Author Will Bernard

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